Dwellings: the unique homes of Hallowell
June 20, 2020Hallowell’s Historic Building Survey Needs You!
The City of Hallowell and Row House, Hallowell’s Historical Society, are working to update the City’s historic building survey. The original survey was conducted fifty years ago! You can help by becoming a member of a Site Survey Team or assisting with data entry.
Site Survey Teams - Grab a friend, take walk, and help with this important project!

Volunteer survey teams will visit each building site and gather basic information. It takes just a few minutes. Survey training is provided by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission using video conferencing. Complete the online application. Click on https://tinyurl.com/yddbddbm or copy and paste the link in your internet browser.
Survey Data Entry –Help from the comfort of your home!
Enter historic building survey information into The Cultural & Architectural Resource Management Archive (CARMA) database. Training by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission using video conferencing. Fill out the application by clicking on https://tinyurl.com/yddbddbm or copying the link and pasting it in an internet browser.
More information about the historic building survey is available by emailing rowhouseinc@gmail.com.